Search Engine Marketing Proposal


Website Audit and Traffic Analysis

Search engines like Google need to crawl your website in order to rank it. If you have crawlability issues that are preventing a search engine from effectively crawling and indexing your site you will not rank well. With a trillian URLs in Google's index how much time and effort do you expect it to waste troubleshooting on your website?


Crawlability is just one facet, I examine website architecture, applications, document structure, keyword research, and overall SEO strategy.



How does the audit begin?

Your industry is unique and so is your website. My website audit starts out by gathering information about your site, your online goals, competition, etc. This information sets up the audit for a successful and effective analysis of your site.



Website Architecture
Starting at the most basic level I start out examining the server/webhost. Occasionally I will come across a website that is hosted on the same IP block as a Google banned website and it of course had a negative impact on my client's rankings. In all there are 5 points I examine in this audit category.



Website Applications
Whether it's a site driven by a content management system and multiple databases, a shopping cart, or plain old static html I will examine the software involved in creating your site and check for any known issues they may be causing. In all there are 4 points I examine in this audit category.



Keyword Research
In this phase I will examine the choosen keywords you've optimized your website for and run a current list of keywords to make sure you have choosen the most effective phrase out there. Search trends change over time so make sure you're still seeking the best phrase your budget will allow for.



Document Structure
This is where the on-page optimization really starts at. I examine title tags, layout (whether table driven or CSS), pop-ups, browser compatability, and a host of other on-page factors. In all there are 8 points I examine in this audit category.



Website Navigation
While this should be covered within the Document Structure analysis it tends to be one of the biggest pitfalls I've found. People tend to go for design and WOW factors in their navigation rather than what we consider search friendly design. In this phase I examine the site wide global navigation for any issues that may impede the crawlability of your site. In all there are 9 points I examine in this audit category.



Link Popularity Examination
I will examine your current link popularity (incoming links) and comment on any issues or patterns I see that may be impeding your rankings. Links are incredibly important and you must make sure you have the correct balance of quality incoming links.



Competition Review
During this final stage I will examine up to 3 competitors. I will grade their on-page optimization, link portfolio, and 'content-richness' on a scale of 1 to 10. This will give you a great comparison and insight as to what your competition is doing and how to change your budget to best them.



Let's take a quick look at your options:


Website Audit Metric Standard Audit Premium Audit
Website Architecture
Website Applications
Keyword Research  
Document Structure
Website Navigation
Link Popularity
Competition Review  
  $1600 $2400


As you can see, the Premium Audit option allows you to both make sure you are targetting the proper keywords to drive effective traffic as well as getting an analysis of up to 3 of your competitors.


If you're uncertain as to which package would be best for you or you have any questions regarding my site audit feel free to call: 925.262.8178.


If you're ready to order please remit payment via our credit card check processor PayPal (note: you do not need a PayPal account to complete the order) Once the payment is complete you will be taken to our intake form to get the process started.